IHC allows PTI to hold rally in Islamabad

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ISLAMABAD:The Islamabad High Court (IHC) granted the PTI permission to hold a political rally in the federal capital on April 6.

Chief Justice Aamer Farooq presided over the hearing of PTI’s plea against denial of permission by law enforcement agencies citing security concerns. “One’s right of assembly can not be taken away,” said the judge as he directed the federal capital’s administration to specify their conditions for permitting the rally.  

PTI counsel Sher Afzal Marwat said that the party wanted to hold a public gathering on April 6, to which Justice Farooq said the party should ensure “there is no riot”.The state counsel stated that PTI was not granted permission due to security concerns and that the party violated the rules earlier.

“There is no issue in setting conditions, which is normal, but no conditions should be imposed which are contrary to the standard TORs,” said the IHC chief justice. “We are ready and will accept all conditions,” replied the PTI counsel.

The public prosecutor countered by stating that there was a tragic incident of terrorism yesterday, to which the chief justice replied that “life does not stop, it goes on and we have to end terrorism in the same way”.

The state counsel then sought time from the court to take instructions, which was rejected by Justice Farooq. “I am not asking for your consent, I have to make the decision.”During yesterday’s hearing, the IHC issued notices to respondents on a PTI plea seeking permission to hold a party rally in the federal capital on March 30.

The presiding judge, after hearing the arguments, said the court would look into available optionsand adjourned the hearing till tomorrow.Earlier, the Islamabad DC denied PTI permission to hold a rally on March 30.

The capital’s DC rejected the application citing the law and order situation. He said that the public gathering cannot be allowed in light of reports from law enforcement agencies about the recent activities of the outlawed group, Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP).

He also added that the PTI had previously violated the rules by giving an affidavit when the party had been allowed to hold meetings and rallies.The IHC had directed the DC to decide on the matter and present a report in this regard.

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