Distribution of wheat issue

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Opposition leader in the regional Assembly Muhammad KazimMeasam has alleged that despite of the supply of wheat by the federal government, wheat was not being provided to the general public at the scale of seven kg per person. He further said that after the approval of 7.3 billion rupees by the federal government on account of wheat subsidy budget, wheat crises were still exist in the area and alleged that there were reports regarding the difference over the transportation of wheat from the federal government and its distribution with-in the region. Opposition leader also alleged that preparation was being made and there would be a big blow with regards to the price of wheat after the month of June 2024 and wheat was not being provided on transparent method. He said that facts with regards to the transportation and distribution system of wheat would be exposed, where-as taking of legal action against the persons who were involved in black-marketing of wheat and flour and other irregularities has been stopped. Earlier, Federal Minister for Kashmir Affairs Engineer Amir Muqam had said that incumbent government led by PML-N had resolved the wheat subsidy issue and approved 7.3 billion rupees on account of wheat subsidy budget.

Wheat subsidy issue of the region was being considered as one of major issue of the region and people of the area were getting the wheat for the last five decades on low price and termed it as their right and not ready to accept any increase in it.  Presently 100 kg wheat bag was being provided to the people of the area at the rates of 2000 rupees, where-as 9.5 billion rupees were allocated initially for the fiscal year 2023-2024 in order to fulfill the wheat requirement of the people, but due to increase in the wheat price in the market, this amount was not sufficient and wheat crises was emerged in the region. Government of the area had increased the wheat price of 100 kg wheat bag up-to 3600 rupees, but due to protest demonstration drive across the region, government of the area had withdrawn the said notification and again fixed the old rates i.e 2000 rupees per 100 kg wheat bag. It is pertinent to mention here that incumbent federal government had approved the 7.3 billion rupees as additional grant for purchase of wheat and further provision to the people of the area till the ending of ongoing fiscal year 2024, but now the leader of opposition in the regional Assembly has claimed that there would be big blow with regards to the wheat subsidy price after the month of June 2024 and preparations were being made in this regard. He also pointed out that wheat was not being provided to the people of the area as per scale of 7 kg per person and wheat was not being provided on transparent method. It would be premature to comment upon the matter whether the wheat price would be increased after the month of June 2024 or not, but it was the responsibility of the concern department to ensure the distribution of wheat on transparent method amongst the people of the area as per approved scale of 7 kg per person, so that they could get the wheat and flour with-out any hindrance or difficulty.

We may expect that the federal government would provide the sufficient budget on account of wheat subsidy during the next fiscal year, so that the wheat could be provided to the people of the area on low rates……..END

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