NA witnesses rare ‘give-and-take’ goodwill gestures

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ISLAMABAD: In a surprise display of conciliation in the National Assembly, opposition Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) offered “cooperation and constructive engagement” in the parliamentary proceedings, as the government made a significant goodwill gesture by withdrawing suspension of the two PTI lawmakers whose entry had been banned by the speaker due to their rowdy behaviour during the joint sitting of parliament last week.

The motion seeking the withdrawal of the suspension order against PTI MNAs Jamshed Dasti and Moham­mad Iqbal Khan was moved by Law Minister Azam Nazeer Tarar and it was readily app­roved by the assembly through a voice vote after reconciliatory speeches by lawmakers on both sides of the aisle.

Speaker Ayaz Sadiq had suspended the membership of the two lawmakers for the remainder of the current session for “eroding the sanctity” of the assembly by “indulging in rowdy behaviour” during President Asif Zardari’s address to the joint sitting of parliament on April 18.

The speaker had given his ruling after seeking the house approval on a motion through a voice vote and he repeated the same action for withdrawal of his previous order.

This unexpected thaw in relations sparked some optimism among lawmakers, paving the way for a more harmonious and productive parliamentary session. However, the speech of fiery PTI MNA from Karak Shahid Khattak indicated that this cooperation might not last long or perhaps was part of a strategic move ahead of the formation of the standing committees.

Shortly before the adjournment of the sitting, Mr Khattak while speaking on a point of order categorically announced they would not let this house run till the release of their founding chairman Imran Khan from the jail.

“We are being given Bhaashan (lectures) that we want to run this house. If Imran Khan is not released, we will not let this house run,” declared MNA Khattak. He said if it was a sin to call “mandate thieves and vote thieves” to those who had come to the power through rigging, then he would continue to repeat it.

At the outset, leader of the opposition Omar Ayub Khan requested the speaker to review decision of suspending the two PTI lawmakers as per his commitment during a meeting with the opposition members’ delegation in his chamber.

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