Naqvi says evidence points to ‘foreign hand’ in AJK tensions

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Interior Minister Mohsin Naqvi said that evidence suggests a foreign hand is involved in the tensions in Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK), and that a neighbouring country is involved.

Naqvi made the comments during an interaction with media representatives in Islamabad, where he also discussed the recent subsidy package announced by the Pakistani government to address the issues in AJK.

The minister said that the package, worth Rs23 billion, has been announced and has already reached the government of Azad Kashmir, which is now free to use it to address the issues.He also said that there is evidence that social media campaigns were launched from abroad to fuel the tensions in AJK, and that the government has already taken action against those involved.

“We have evidence that how a campaign was launched on social media that 17 people have been killed, 12 have killed, and 10 have been killed… and how videos were edited and spread through social media,” Naqvi said. “We have taken action against those involved and will continue to do so.”

The minister also hinted that the neighbouring country is involved in the tensions, but did not provide further details.”We will reveal everything when we have complete evidence and proof,” Naqvi said. “Protests started outside our embassies abroad, so there must have been someone who was doing all this,” he remarked.

“But it is clear that something is happening and we will take action to address it.”Clashes erupted in AJK after the federal government increased the electricity prices in July. The regional government had reached an agreement with the protestors a few months ago but its implementation was pending.

The skirmishes resumed last week when traders and residential consumers blocked roads due to non-implementation of the agreement.

Finally, the prime minister announced a Rs23 billion subsidy to provide wheat at Rs2,000 per 40 kilogramme in AJK compared to Rs3,900 in Pakistan.The electricity rates for the residential consumers were announced at Rs3 per unit for monthly consumption of 100 units, Rs5 per unit for consumption between 101 to 300 units, and Rs6 per unit for usage exceeding 500 units.

Sources revealed that Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif has also directed the finance ministry to set aside the subsidy in the next budget for continuous provision of subsidized electricity and wheat for the region.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif on Thursday said that the progress of Pakistan and Azad Jammu and Kashmir was linked with each other, and assured that his government, in collaboration with the AJK leadership, would ensure the implementation of mutual understanding and seek a permanent solution to the issues facing the Kashmiri people.

Addressing the special cabinet meeting of the AJK during daylong visit here, he instructed the formation of a committee to discuss issues like water charge, Neelum Jhelum and others for the benefit of the AJK people.

Referring to the recent movement run by the AJK people for their rights, Prime Minister Shehbaz said the people raised their voices for their genuine demands but amidst that some miscreants tried to create riots and cause killings.

He condoled the killing of a police official and some citizens during the movement and announced that his government would support their respective grieved families under the Shuhada Package.

He told the participants that Rs 23 billion approved by his government had been released to the AJK government and assured that, after the completion of IMF team’s visit, the federal minister and secretary for power would consult with the AJK authorities to seek a permanent solution to the issues and prevent the recurrence of such incidents.

The prime minister asked his AJK counterpart Chaudhry Anwaar ul Haq to constitute a committee on his side for necessary consultation with the relevant Pakistani ministries and urged him to take personal ownership of the matter as he would do so in Pakistan.

He instructed the relevant authorities to immediately complete the construction of bridge of Mangla Phase-2 project. Regarding Neelum Jhelum, he said federal Secretary Water and Minister for Kashmir Affairs Amir Muqam would discuss the matter with the Kashmiri leadership to formulate short, medium and long-term solutions.

The prime minister appreciated President Asif Ali Zardari, Kashmir Affairs Minister Amir Muqam, AJK PM, Speaker of AJK Legislative Assembly, AJK Chief Secretary and IG Police for their constructive role and effective consultation to find an immediate solution to the people’s demands.

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