Outgoing ambassador has important role in enhancing Pakistan-Belgium relations

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ISLAMABAD: The outgoing ambassador of Belgium to Pakistan, Charles Delogon, has said that the citizens of Pakistan and Belgium have a key role in the development of bilateral relations between Pakistan and Belgium.

During his stay in Pakistan, apart from the government ministers and other officials, he had many interactionsand had a close relationship with personalities related to the business, social and cultural fields, all these people are important for the development of relations between the two countries. The people of Pakistan are very hospitable and the friends he has made in Pakistan will last a lifetime.

These views were expressed by Charles Delogon at the farewell dinnerreception hosted by Consul General Ghana, former President of Islamabad Chamber of Commerce and well-known businessman Dr. Shahid Rashid Butt and Vice Consul Ghana Umar Shahid Butt at their residence in Islamabad. Large number of foreign ambassadors, parliamentarians, social and business personalities participated in this event.

Amongthose who participated in the ceremonywereambassadors of France, Nepal, Bulgaria, Poland, Jordan and Morocco, Deputy Head of Mission of Great Britain and Japan, former ambassador Ghalib Iqbal, former ambassador Ali Sarwar Naqvi and former ambassador Khalid Mehmood.

On this occasion, a shield was also presented to the ambassador of Belgium by Dr. Shahid Rashid Butt.Charles Delogon further said that there is a strong bilateral partnership between Pakistan and Belgium.During his tenure as an ambassador in Pakistan, he worked to promote mutual cooperation between the two countries.

He emphasized that there is a lot of scope for cooperation and development in many different fields and hopefully relations between the two countries will get stronger in the future. Speaking on the occasion Dr shahid Rasheed butt said that the purpose of organizing this event is to acknowledge the services of Charles Delogon for the promotion of bilateral relations between Pakistan and Belgium.

His efforts have promoted political, diplomatic, and commercial relations between the two countries Vice Consul Ghana Umar Shahid Butt said on this occasion that the Belgian ambassador made immense efforts to promote bilateral trade relations between the two countries during his stay in Pakistan.

During his tenure he also organized grand celebrations of King’s Day and Belgium Week in Pakistan which also served as a celebration of the completionof 75 years of diplomatic relations between Pakistan and Belgium. These events gave the citizens of Pakistan a great opportunity to get acquainted with the culture of Belgium.

 He said that I hope that the ambassador of Belgium will continue to work for the development of relations between the two countries in the future.

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