Snow leopard, Ghost of the Mountain

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By Sajid Ali

Snow leopard is one of the most beautiful and very fast and furious creature on this planet, this is the long haired Asian cat that classified as either Panthera uncial or Unciauncia in the family of Felidae and the snow leopard’s ability to blend in with its surrounding is legendary, it even earned the cat most famous nickname, Ghost of the Mountain. In the size, the Pantherauncia(Ghost of the mountain) is not big, body length is 1-1.3m, tail length 0.8-1.1m which is help with balance as well as wrap around its body for added warmth and weight 20-50kg.

This cat adapted mountain habitats in Central Asia, including the Altai, Tian Shan, Kunlun, Pamir, Hindu Kush, Karakoram ranges (also found in Chuttron, valley of stakroundu Baltistan), and Himalayas Ranges ( also exist in Skoyo valley).

Where the snow leopard preys on ungulates particularly Blue sheep, Goats and Ibex, Marmots, Lagomorphs’ and sometimes also preys on the livestock when the shepherd carry them into wildlife’s habitat for grazing. The Panthera uncial exist elevation from about 1800m in winter and in summer the elevation range is 5500m.

As the latest estimates the total individual population of snow leopard are left between 6500 to 10000 in the worldwide and the population of this cat in Gilgit-Baltistan, a range in northern Pakistan is estimated around 200-420 individuals.

Gilgit-Baltistan is one of the key habitats for snow leopards in Pakistan and Pantheraunciais listed Vulnerable on the IUCN Red list on the basis of population status.

 Furthermore, as you now the snow leopards hold significant ecological, cultural, and economic importance,

Studying snow leopards helps scientist understand the complex dynamics of high-altitude ecosystem and develop conservation strategies.

As apex predators snow leopards regulate prey population, preventing overgrazing and maintain the balance of their mountain ecosystem.

BY protecting them we safeguard the biodiversity of their habitats, ensuring the survival of various spp. Of Flora and Fauna.

Pantherauncia attract ecotourism, providing economic opportunities for local communities through wildlife tourism and conservation efforts. This attractive and rare animal holds cultural significance in many indigenous cultures and are often reversed as symbols of power, strength and beauty.

Their presence or absence can indicate the health of an ecosystem making them important indicators of environmental changes and habitat degradation. In essence, the survival of snow leopards is intricately linked to the health of their habitats and the well-being of the community living alongside them.

Threats to snow leopards, number of threats facing by snow leopards.

Human Snow leopard Conflicts, this is one of the most significant threats to the snow leopards. It caused by snow leopards killing the livestock due to decline the wild prey which is happening because of competition for forage with livestock, low primary productivity and third one is the hunting of ungulate(wild prey) for meat which leads the retaliatory killing of snow leopard by community. Panther uncia’s population density is positively correlated with the density of its prey.

Illegal Trade, illegal trade of snow leopard is also a serious threat for their survival, local community is just not killed the snow leopard for killing livestock but also killed for the commercial purposes.

Climate Change, is a one of the prominent threat to snow leopard, climate change will destabilizes systems and the management such as the balance between resources which use by local and wildlife biodiversity. Here some of the key impacts of climate change: Shift in prey distribution, increased human-snow leopard conflict, reduction genetic diversity, altered behavior and physiology, and increased vulnerability to diseases.

The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change forecast that the global temperatures will increase by something between 1.4 and 5.8 DegreeCentigrade ( IPCC 2100; Locky and Macky 2009).

Lack of conservation, awareness and policy is key issue for the snow leopard species.

here lets discussed, conserving snow leopards involves various strategies aimed at protecting their habitat, reducing human-wildlife conflict, combating illegal hunting and trade and education or awareness.

Establish protected areas and corridors where snow leopards live is crucial.

Engaging local communities by providing livelihood, promoting sustainable grazing practices and raising awareness about the importance of snow leopards.

Strengthening law enforcement to combat poaching and illegal hunting or trade.

Conducting research to better understand snow leopard’s behavior, population dynamics and habitat.

Collaborating with governments, non-profit organizations, local communities and international agencies crucial for can help in conservation of Panther uncial.

Addressing the impacts of climate change on snow leopard habitat is becoming increasingly important.

Last strategy is to raise awareness about the importance of snow leopards and their ecosystem among local communities, policy makers, and general public.

In conclusion, the conservation of snow leopards is essential for maintaining the balance of their mountain ecosystems and preserving biodiversity. Addressing human-wildlife conflicts, combating illegal trade, and mitigating the impacts of climate change are crucial steps in ensuring the survival of this magnificent spp.

Collaboration between governments, NGOs, local communities, and international agencies is key to implementing effective conservation strategies and safeguarding the future of the snow leopard.

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