AJK-G-B government’s dilemma

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According to a media report, Ex Chief Minister/PML-N regional chapter President HafeezurRehman has said that federal political parties were being weakened in Gilgit-Baltistan, where-as Prime Minister of AJK and Chief Minister of G-B does not belongs to any political party, which was against the democratic principles. As per report, he further said that during the tenure of PML-N led government in the region, there were twelve Members cabinet and now the size of the cabinet has been swelled up-to 54 Members. According to the report, Ex-Chief Minister of the region has said that it was our desire that incumbent government of the area would complete its tenure, but the present government of the area by completing its tenure would tarnish the region, hence, there should be a political party government in the area. It was claimed in the media report by saying the Ex-Chief Minister that there was an agreement prior to the formation of government with the coalition partners that no non-elected person would be appointed in the cabinet, but the said agreement was violated and termed the appointment ofcoordinators as burden on the national exchequer.

Prime Minister of AJK government and Chief Minister of Gilgit-Baltistan does not belongs to any specific political party, rather they were elected against the slots of PM and Chief Minister in their individual capacity, where-as other major political parties in the both region had been supported there candidatures. It may be important to mention here that government of AJK and government of G=B were changed/replaced during the tenure of PML-N and PPP led government in the federation.  Now According to a media report, Ex-Chief Minister/PML-N regional chapter President HafeezurRehman has said that federal political parties were being weakened in Gilgit-Baltistan and Chief Minister of the area does not belongs to any political party, but he does not mentioned that who was being weakened the federal political parties in the region. He also explained that it was desire of his party that the incumbent government of the area should complete its tenure, but government of the area by completing its tenure would spoil the shape of the area, He also said that there was twelve member cabinet during the tenure of PML-N led government of the area, but the size of the present cabinet of the government has beenswelled up-to 54 members and termed the appointment of coordinators as burden on the government exchequer. Ex-Chief Minister also claimed that prior to the formation of the government in the area in the month of July 2023, there was an agreement between the coalition partners that no non-elected person would be appointed in the cabinet, but the said agreement was violated and size of the cabinet has been increased up-to many folds. It would be advantageous to mention here that PML-N was ruling the Centre with the support of PPP, but these two major political parties were supporting in the incumbent government of the area headed by Chief Minister Gulbar Khan. If the incumbent Chief Minister of the region was not acceptable to these two parties, then why the PML-N and PPP were part of the government and why these parties were not parting their ways. It was soften pointed out in these pages that the solution of all problems of the region were holding the general elections of the region with the rest of country, but these parties were beneficiary of the present governance system of the region and that’s why they were not insisting for holding of general elections of the region with the rest of country.It would be appropriate for the PML-N and other political parties to urge the Centre for holding of mid-term polls in the region instead of making of hollow claims regarding the democratic system…….

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