In meeting with AJK PM, interior minister approves FC deployment in AJK

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ISLAMABAD: Federal Interior Minister Mohsin Naqvi has approved the deployment of the Frontier Constabulary in Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) at the request of the Prime Minister of Azad Kashmir.

Prime Minister of Azad Jammu and Kashmir Chaudhry AnwarulHaq visited the Ministry of Interior and met with Federal Interior Minister and Anti-Narcotics Minister Mohsin Naqvi. During the meeting, they discussed in detail the law and order and security situation in AJK.

According to the spokesperson of the ministry, Naqvi approved the deployment of the Frontier Constabulary in Azad Kashmir at the request of PM AJK. The interior minister stated that every possible cooperation will be provided to ensure peace in Azad Kashmir, and security arrangements in the region will be improved.

He added that the promises made to the people of Azad Kashmir are being fulfilled, and the government of Pakistan stands with the government and people of Azad Kashmir. Every possible cooperation will be extended for the prosperity and development of Azad Kashmir.

On this occasion, the Prime Minister of Azad Jammu and Kashmir thanked Federal Interior Minister Mohsin Naqvi for taking immediate steps to address the issues. Previously, AJK Prime Minister Chaudhry AnwarulHaq on June 22 asked the Centre to increase the region’s grant keeping in view its sensitive environment.

Last month, the territory witnessed deadly clashes on the call of a people’s action committee. Spearheaded by the Jammu Kashmir Joint Awami Action Committee, several people had died in the clashes and many others were injured, shaking the entire region.

Sensing the gravity of the situation, Prime Shehbaz Sharif ordered the immediate release of Rs23 billion to resolve the problems faced by the residents of AJK.

As the AJK government is in the middle of preparing its annual budget, PM Haq met with Adviser to the Prime Minister on Political and Public Affairs RanaSanaullah on June, 22 and discussed the upcoming budget as well as the development projects in the region.

Sanaullah reaffirmed the government’s dedication to utilising all available resources to drive economic development and social prosperity in AJK.

He added that the promises made to the people of Azad Kashmir are being fulfilled, and the government of Pakistan stands with the government and people of Azad Kashmir. Every possible cooperation will be extended for the prosperity and development of Azad Kashmir.

On this occasion, the Prime Minister of Azad Jammu and Kashmir thanked Federal Interior Minister Mohsin Naqvi for taking immediate steps to address the issues. Previously, AJK Prime Minister Chaudhry AnwarulHaq on June 22 asked the Centre to increase the region’s grant keeping in view its sensitive environment.

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