Minister for Finance and Revenue Muhammad Aurangzeb meets with Chief Minister of Gilgit-Baltistan

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ISLAMABAD: Chief Minister of Gilgit-Baltistan, Mr. Gulbar Khan, met with Federal Minister for Finance and Revenue, Senator Muhammad Aurangzeb, at the Finance Division today. The Federal Finance Secretary was also present during the meeting.
Chief Minister Gulbar Khan expressed gratitude to the federal government for its ongoing support, particularly the wheat subsidy provided to the region. He highlighted several areas where Gilgit-Baltistan requires further assistance and appealed for increased support in the upcoming budget to address these issues.
In response, Finance Minister Senator Muhammad Aurangzeb emphasized the numerous opportunities available in Gilgit-Baltistan, noting its potential as a prime location for tourism. He pointed out that the region is rich in gems and mineral resources, suggesting that the Gilgit-Baltistan government can leverage these resources to generate revenue and unlock the region’s true potential. The Finance Secretary also recognized the potential areas for investment in Gilgit-Baltistan, reiterating the federal government’s generous support in the budget.
The meeting concluded with a mutual commitment to continue working together to address challenges and harness opportunities in Gilgit-Baltistan for the benefit of its residents.
Meanwhile, Senator Muhammad Aurangzeb also met with the Korean Ambassador and representatives of Korean companies operating in Pakistan at the Finance Division today. The Secretary of the Ministry of Communications, Chairman of the National Highway Authority (NHA), Managing Director of the Private Power & Infrastructure Board (PPIB), and senior officers from relevant ministries were also present.
The Korean Ambassador appreciated the government’s economic initiatives and the strong bilateral relations between Pakistan and Korea. He emphasized the need to fully exploit the untapped potential for further collaboration. Representatives from Korean companies briefed the Minister on their concerns regarding project timelines and operational efficiency.
The Finance Minister underscored significant macroeconomic improvements and noted the positive trend in foreign exchange reserves. Furthermore, Senator Muhammad Aurangzeb reiterated the government’s commitment to addressing the challenges faced by Korean companies operating in Pakistan, urging the relevant authorities to ensure their facilitation for smooth business operations. The meeting concluded with a pledge to strengthen economic cooperation between Pakistan and Korea and to work collectively towards addressing mutual concerns for the benefit of both nations.

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