Completion of 16 MW power project

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Chief Minister of the region Haji Gulbar Khan has carried out a visit to the under construction 16 megawatts power project at Nultar to review the work progress and directed the Secretary Water and Power and Project Director (PD) to complete the power project by 30th October 2024. According to a press release, Chief Minister of the area further that due to electricity load-shedding, consumers of Gilgit city and its suburbs were facing hardships and directed them to bound the contractor to carried-out the work of said project on shift-wise basis, so that the project could be completed with-in the target period, where-as reservoirs of the projects would also be get constructed in order to ensure the supply of water to the power projects. Chief Minister of the region also inspected the cleanliness work of the water tank of 18 megawatts Nultar power project, where-as concern authorities have briefed the Chief Minister about the damages caused to the transmission line at Chilmiss-dass due to river flow and Chief Minister has directed the authorities to prepare the recommendations for prevention of such type of damages in future.

Government has awarded 16 megawatts Naltar power project to the Heavy Mechanical Complex (HMC) Taxila during the year 2010 in order to supply the electricity to the consumers of Gilgit city and its suburbs, but despite of lapse of 14-15 years period, the said project was not yet completed and consumers of Gilgit city were facing hardships. Chief Minister of the region has carried out a visit to the under construction project to review the progress of the work of said project and during the visit has directed the concern authorities of the project to complete the project by 30th October 2024 to that the ongoing electivity load-shedding could be reduced. Chief Minister of the area also directed the authorities to bound the contractor to carry-out the work of project on shift-wise basis, to that the said project could be competed according to targeted date. Where-as Chief Minister has also inspected the cleanliness work of the water tank of 18 megawatts power project at Nultar. Chief Minister of the region on the occasion has said that it would be recommended to the federal government for construction of water reservoirs of the projects through WAPDA in in order to supply of water to the power houses. It may be necessary to point out here that due to non-completion of construction work of the power projects, people of the area were facing hours long load-shedding even during the summer season and spokespersons of the incumbent regional government was constantly claiming that under construction power projects would be completed very soon and load-shedding duration would be reduced. Now the Chief Minister of the region has clearly directed the concern authorities of the water and power department for the completion of 16 megawatts Nultar power project by 30th October 2024, which is highly appreciable and we may expect that the water and power department of the regional government would strictly implemented the directives given by the Chief Minister and would utilize all available resources to achieve the target given by the Chief Minister of the region. 

We may expect that concern contractor would complete the 16 megawatts power project of Nultar by 30th October 2024, so that the load-shedding duration could be minimized during the winter season in Gitgit city and its suburbs…….END

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