ICCI’s 2nd Tourism Summit: Air connectivity key to unlocking Gilgit Baltistan’s tourism potential

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ISLAMABAD: The ambassadors and business leaders, while addressing the sec­ond Tourism Summit under the auspices of Islamabad Chamber of Commerce and industry (ICCI), stressed the need for increasing the direct flights and moderni­sation of tourism infrastructure in Gilgit Baltistan for promoting tourism industry in the province.

In the summit organised by of Islamabad Chamber of Com­merce and industry (ICCI), the speakers emphasized on in­creasing air connectivity with the countries of the world for the promotion of tourism in Gilgit-Baltistan. During their address, the speakers said that Gilgit-Baltistan has the poten­tial of tourism including medical and cultural tourism, mining and precious stones, minerals and natural resources, hydropower, fruits and food and water re­sources and many other sectors.

The speakers gave a plan of ac­tion for the promotion of tourism and said that for elevating tour­ism sector in Gilgit-Baltistan, global marketing, training of local people in the tourism and hospi­tality sector and environment-friendly infrastructure is neces­sary. In his inaugural address on this occasion, President Islam­abad Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Ahsan Zafar Bakhta­wari said that Gilgit-Baltistan is a peaceful region, which is the most popular region for tourism in the world, where the people are hospitable and generous.

He said that 65% of the total population in Gilgit-Baltistan consists of youth, for which train­ing in the field of tourism is very important for the promotion of tourism in this region. He said that the government needs more steps to connect Gilgit-Baltistan with the international world by land and air routes so that tour­ism can be developed here. He said that there is a lot of potential for adventure tourism in Gilgit-Baltistan, in which the role of fa­mous mountaineer Sajid Sadpara and his family is very important.

He said that air connectiv­ity of Gilgit-Balististan with the world is very important so that the fresh fruit and dried fruit here can be delivered to interna­tional markets including Central Asia, Saudi Arabia and the Eu­ropean Union. He said that the role of business community is very important for the promo­tion of tourism in Gilgit-Baltistan and public-private partnership is very important. He said that tourism, mining and precious stones sector has a lot of poten­tial in Gilgit-Baltistan and devel­opment of modern technology in these sectors is necessary.

He said that the ambassadors of many countries, including the European Union, are present here and they should do their best for the promotion of tourism in Gilgit-Baltistan. He said that after Gilgit-Baltistan got the status of a province, now they want to get full representation in the Federa­tion of Pakistan so that the coun­try’s units can form a strong fed­eration. Meanwhile, Minister for Planning and Development, GB Raja Nasir Ali Khan said that the tourism summit in Gilgit-Baltis­tan by the Islamabad Chamber of Commerce is a commendable step. Gilgit-Baltistan has a lot of potential in tourism, hydrau­lic power, mining and precious stones. He said that two five-star hotels are being built in Gilgit-Baltistan, which will promote tourism in this area. He said that efforts of Ahsan Zafar Bakhtawari are valuable. He paid tribute to Sajid Sadpara and his family for the promotion of adventure tour­ism. Ambassador of the European Union in his address said that the European Union is working on several projects in Gilgit-Baltistan in the field of tourism promotion, hydel power, skills education, green energy and sustainable growth and environment. He said that Europe is working together with Aga Khan Foundation in the field of Micro Hydel including clean and green energy in Gilgit-Baltistan, which will lead to inclu­sive growth of the local economy. He said that the European Union has established a Center for Ex­cellence for skills and technical education in Gilgit-Baltistan.

He said that for the promo­tion of economic and trade co­operation between the European Union and Pakistan, the Europe­an Union has given the facility of GSP Plus to Pakistan, with which now the European Union is the biggest trading partner of Paki­stan. Ambassador of Malaysia emphasized on developing the tourism potential of Gilgit-Baltis­tan for the promotion of tourism in Pakistan. He said that market­ing and branding are very impor­tant for the development of the tourism sector in Gilgit-Baltistan.

He said that Malaysia has made many achievements in the field of tourism and now the tourism sector is playing its full role in the Malaysian economy. He said that there is a need to promote mutual cooperation in the field of tourism in Pakistan and Malaysia and both sides can share their experiences with each other. Ambassador of Mayamar said that Gilgit-Baltis­tan is one of the most beautiful regions of the world where there is immense potential for tour­ism. He said that there is a lot of potential in tourism and cultural heritage in Myanmar on which the government is working on.

Ambassador of Yemen high­lighted the different aspects of cooperation in tourism between both the countries. In his ad­dress, former President ICCI and Secretary General United Busi­ness Group Zafar Bakhtawari said that Gilgit Baltistan enjoys immense importance with re­gard to the tourism and that the promotion of its tourism is vital not only for the foreign ex­change earning but for the pro­motion of soft image of Pakistan the world-over.

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