Pakistan’s founding goal remains ‘unfulfilled’ even after 77 years: JI’s Ameer Hafiz Naeem

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LAHORE:On Pakistan’s 77th birthday Ameer Jamaat-e-Islami (JI), Hafiz Naeemur Rehman has said that the nation has yet to achieve the goals for which it was established.

“Pakistan is 77 years old, but we have not reached the destination for which the country came into being,” JI chief said during an Independence Day ceremony.The Jamaat-e-Islami leader criticised the country’s rulers for ‘abandoning’ the ideological foundations of Pakistan, including the Two-Nation Theory.

“Pakistan’s rulers have deviated from the ideology of Pakistan and the Two-Nation Theory,” he said, accusing a few “oppressive individuals” of leading the country to ruin.

“Our country is facing great challenges, but unfortunately, our rulers have no vision,” he added, dismissing the distribution of laptops as a superficial effort, saying, “They are making false claims of advancing information technology by distributing laptops.”

Hafiz Naeem ur Rehman also highlighted that “justice and fairness lie in the implementation of Islamic principles.”

In observance of Independence Day, he planted a tree in the lawns of Mansoorah, urging the nation to promote tree plantation, stating, “The nation should foster tree plantation to make Pakistan green and prosperous.”

Yesterday, the JI chief declared that they cannot see the public disheartened and are prepared to stay on the streets for 40 days to ensure their demands are met.Speaking at a press conference in Islamabad, Hafiz Naeem emphasized that this issue concerns the entire nation, not just JI, and consultations with traders are ongoing.

He highlighted the deteriorating law and order situation across the country, particularly in Balochistan, Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, and Punjab, while bandits dominate the kacha areas in Sindh.

Hafiz Naeem expressed concern that 74% of the population is struggling to meet their expenses, with the youth increasingly feeling that the country offers them no opportunities, all while the rulers continue their extravagant spending.

The Jamaat-e-Islami leader criticised the country’s rulers for ‘abandoning’ the ideological foundations of Pakistan, including the Two-Nation Theory. “Pakistan’s rulers have deviated from the ideology of Pakistan and the Two-Nation Theory,” he said, accusing a few “oppressive individuals” of leading the country to ruin.

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