Starting of preparations for upcoming election

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According to a media report, different political parties of the region have commenced their campaign for the upcoming general elections of the regional Assembly, which would be held by the end of 2025. As per report, political and religious parties of the region have started to chalk-out their strategy   to include the influential political figures of the region in their respective parties in order to win the majority of seats in the regional Assembly during the next general election of the area. According to the report, major political parties of the region through their party high-ups were making efforts to establish the contracts with the local senior political figures of the region, where-as like-minded people  were also preparing to take part in the next general election of the region in their individual capacity. It may be mentioned here that previous general elections of the region were held in the month of November 2020 and no major particular political party had won the majority of seats of the regional Assembly.

General elections of the region were not held with the rest of country under the ambit of Constitution of Pakistan-1973, but the polls of the region were being held as per method provided in “Government of Gilgit-Baltistan Order-2018” and five years term of incumbent Assembly would be completed by the end of 2025 and thereafter, general elections would be conducted by the care-taker government of the region appointed by the Prime Minister of Pakistan. Now according to a media report, various political parties of the region have started to chalk-out their strategy and were searching the influential political persons, so that these political figures may join their respective party and secure the seat of regional Assembly. It was also pointed out in the media report that like-minded groups were also formed to take part in the general elections of the region in their individual capacity. It may be imperative to point out here that PPP and PML-N had only won two to three seats in the general elections of the region, where-as PTI had won the eight-nine seats and MWM and TIP had won one seat of the G-B Assembly, where-as other political parties could not won any seat of Asembly despite of their claims. If the political parties of the region would be success to convince the electable to join their respective political party, might be such political party may win the seats from their respective constituencies. It was also general perception in the region that ruling political party of the Centre always wins the polls of G-B and AJKAssemblies and firmed the party government in these two areas, where-as electable also prefers to join the ruling party of the Centre. Moreover, these political parties have not yet announced or made public their party manifesto for the next general elections of the region to attract the candidates for their respective political parties.We may expect that major political parties of the region would unveil their party manifesto, so that the potential candidates may be able to join the such political party, otherwise, efforts of these parties would not yield any result

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