Chinese premier chairs State Council executive meeting

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BEIJING (Xinhua/Internews): Chinese Premier Li Qiang presided over a State Council executive meeting that mulled measures to coordinate the establishment of financing credit services platforms and promote financing facilitation for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises.

The meeting also heard reports on optimizing real estate policies, and reviewed and adopted regulations for the docking of international cruise ships at Chinese ports.

The establishment of financing credit services platforms is vital to the development of sci-tech finance, green finance, inclusive finance, pension finance and digital finance. Efforts should be made to strengthen unified planning and information sharing among such platforms, alongside efforts to align them with the existing credit system, according to the meeting.

It called for efforts to refine real estate policies further, ensure the delivery of housing projects, and ensure that real estate financing coordination mechanisms deliver tangible results.

Related support policies should be made systematically to tap into potential housing demand and increase the supply of high-quality housing, promoting the steady and healthy development of the real estate market, the meeting said.

Efforts should also be made to cultivate new growth drivers, improve supporting mechanisms and service systems in a timely manner, and promote the development of new industries, business models and growth drivers, according to the meeting.

Chinese Premier Li Qiang said that continuous efforts should be made to promote the prevention and resolution of local government debt risks.Defusing the debt risks will be a tough and protracted battle, Li said during a video conference.

All regions and government departments should strengthen their sense of responsibility to resolve existing debt risks and prevent new debt risks, Li said.Efforts should be made to defuse risks on financing platforms and clear outstanding payments owed to enterprises, he said.

He also noted the importance of efforts to build a government debt management mechanism in accordance with high-quality development, fine-tune the investment and financing systems of local governments, and improve the long-term mechanism to prevent outstanding payments.

Meanwhile, Chinese Vice President Han Zheng met with Singapore’s Senior Minister and Coordinating Minister for National Security Teo Chee Hean in Beijing, saying China is willing to work with Singapore to deepen high-quality cooperation.

Describing China and Singapore as friendly neighbors and important partners, Han said the two countries’ leaders drew a blueprint for the development of bilateral ties by establishing an all-round high-quality future-oriented partnership between China and Singapore.

Han said China will unswervingly advance reform and opening-up and achieve Chinese modernization through high-quality development and high-level opening-up.

China will work with Singapore to further enhance political mutual trust, promote personnel exchanges, deepen high-quality cooperation, and promote greater development of China-Singapore relations at a higher level, Han said.

Noting Singapore and China enjoy a profound traditional friendship, Teo Chee Hean said Singapore attaches great importance to developing bilateral relations and is willing to deepen cooperation with China in all fields to promote common development and prosperity.

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