Pakistan Day resolution altered region’s history: AJK PM

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MIRPUR: Azad Jammu Kashmir Prime Minister Chaudhry Anwar ul Haq highlighted the significance of the historic resolution adopted on March 23, 1940, in Lahore, stating that it significantly altered the course of the region’s history.

In a message released on the eve of Pakistan Resolution Day, he emphasized that despite staunch opposition, the dream envisioned by forefathers was realized with the creation of independent Pakistan under Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah’s leadership.

Anwar ul Haq underscored the special importance of March 23 for the Muslims of the subcontinent, as it marked the foundation of a separate homeland.He praised the historic struggle of Muslims, noting the active involvement of Kashmiri leadership in the Pakistan movement.

He highlighted the ongoing movement in Occupied Kashmir as an extension of the Pakistan movement, fuelled by Kashmiris’ blood.Terming Kashmiris as Pakistani by choice, he emphasized Pakistan’s role as a sympathizer and hope center for Kashmiri Muslims.

The AJK PM expressed hope for the fulfilment of Kashmiri sacrifices and objectives outlined in the July 19 resolution. He emphasized the deep-rooted bond between the people of Kashmir and Pakistan based on ideological, geographical, historical, cultural, and religious ties, stating that no power could sever this connection.

Meanwhile, Chaudhry Anwar ul Haq has reiterated his government’s firm resolve to turn the AJK into a welfare state in true sense. Talking to different public delegations that called on him at his Bhimber residence, Anwaar said serving the people of the state without any discrimination was his ultimate objective.

The PM claimed that the budget presented by his government would go down as the best ever budget in the history of Azad Kashmir. To ensure across the board accountability and eliminate corruption from the society, Anwaar said the Anti-Corruption Act would be implemented soon to root out the menace.

He said revolutionary measures were taken to bring further improvement in the health and education sectors. “A new university is being established soon in Bhimber”, the PM said, adding that the government was keen to make Azad Jammu Kashmir a welfare state where people would have equal opportunities to prosper and flourish.

He said in a short span of time, his government had taken such measures which previous governments could not take during a period of 75 years. He said that good governance and transparency in institutions was now visible. He said that all those found guilty of looting and plundering of the state resources or misusing authority would be held accountable.

For the welfare of the journalist community, the PM said the government would provide funds to the press foundation.He said that the discretionary powers of the Prime Minister had been abolished. “The poor and the oppressed will get justice at their doorstep, the state will provide support for widows, disabled children, divorcees and homeless people in Azad Kashmir”, he said.

He said that the departments of cigarettes, forest and food were being closely watched.He said that accountability and transparency in these departments would help save billions of rupees.

Meanwhile, the All Parties Hurriyat Conference Azad Jammu and Kashmir (APHC-AJK) chapter on Pakistan Day, said that joining Pakistan is a long-held dream of the Kashmiris which will surely come true, one day.

APHC-AJK Convener, Mahmood Ahmed Saghar and other leaders in a joint statement in Islamabad congratulated the people and Government of Pakistan on their national day

The APHC-AJK leaders said that March 23 is of special importance in history because a resolution was passed in Lahore on that day in 1940 paving the way for a separate homeland for the Muslims of the subcontinent. They said the ongoing struggle in occupied Jammu and Kashmir is a continuation of the Pakistan Movement and Pakistan is incomplete without Jammu and Kashmir.

They said Pakistan is a gift from Allah Almighty to the Muslims, and Kashmiris and Pakistanis are tied in strong bonds of religion, history and culture. They said that Pakistan is the true benefactor and ambassador of Kashmiris and its unwavering support has always been a source of encouragement for them.

The Hurriyat leaders thanked the government and people of Pakistan for their continued political, diplomatic and moral support to the Kashmir cause. They said that a strong and stable Pakistan is the guarantor of the freedom of Kashmir.

The leaders urged the international community to fulfill its promise of settling the Kashmir dispute in accordance with the UN resolutions.

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