Xi Focus: Empowering China’s youth to shape tomorrow

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BEIJING (Xinhua/Internews): On the eve of China’s Youth Day, President Xi Jinping once again sent messages to the country’s young people, calling on them to shoulder responsibility for Chinese modernization.

This year’s Youth Day, which falls on Saturday, marks the 105th anniversary of the May Fourth Movement, a monumental youth movement that ignited profound social changes in China.

In his messages, Xi, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, asked young people to carry on the spirit of the movement, resolutely follow the Party, and contribute to building China into a strong country.

Five years ago, Xi led the national celebration of the May Fourth Movement’s centennial with a keynote address at a high-profile gathering in Beijing. He praised China’s youth for their lofty ideals, a strong sense of patriotism and exceptional creativity.

“Whether in the past, present or future, Chinese youth have always been and will always be at the forefront of propelling the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation,” Xi remarked.

The president’s outreach to young people extends beyond mere calls to action or convened meetings; he is regarded as a genuine friend of the youth, actively engaging with them. These efforts include writing letters, touring campuses and visiting sci-tech labs where young minds are at work.

Last July, Xi went to a sci-tech company in Suzhou, east China’s Jiangsu Province. Stepping into an optoelectronics laboratory, he was greeted by young research and development personnel standing by cutting-edge equipment.”You all have such vigor!” he exclaimed warmly.

He was informed that the average age of the company’s employees is only 32. The company has established a specialized division called “Mount Qomolangma,” with young individuals serving as the main force to accelerate breakthroughs in core technologies.

Upon learning this, Xi remarked, “What you are doing here is precisely climbing to the summit, which is very meaningful.”

Surrounded by the vibrant faces, Xi said they are fortunate to be in this era, as China is striving to strengthen self-reliance and strength in science and technology. “It is the time to showcase your abilities,” he said.

Innovation remains at the heart of China’s modernization drive.Over the years, Xi has underscored the need to achieve self-reliance and strength in science and technology, encouraging the country’s youth to join the endeavor.

Wang Sibo is one of them. The young man always feels proud when he sees the new energy vehicles (NEVs) of China’s car brand Hongqi on the road.Wang and his colleagues, averaging 30 years of age, have spearheaded the independent research and development of core technologies for China’s Hongqi brand NEVs, manifesting a spirit of breaking new ground with hard struggle.

Outside the high-tech industries, some young Chinese people find a way to realize their big dreams in the country’s rural areas.In east China’s Zhejiang Province, Lizu, a village that vanquished poverty to become a tourist hotspot, welcomed Xi in September last year.

During his visit to the village market, Xi was captivated by a booth showcasing a variety of handmade bamboo baskets. The booth belonged to Fang Tianning, a young college graduate who returned to the countryside.

Fang told Xi that two years ago, she left Beijing for her home village, where she organized over 30 villagers in weaving bamboo baskets to sell to an increasing number of urbanites who traveled to the countryside on holiday.

“The potential for rural revitalization is vast and promising,” Xi told villagers during his visit.After absolute poverty was eliminated, revitalizing the country’s expansive rural areas remains a major task in building a modern socialist China. Responding to Xi’s call, young people like Fang have enthusiastically stepped forward to contribute their efforts.

During his inspection trip to Hunan in March, Xi walked deep into a rice field. There, he encountered Chen Shuaiyu, a university graduate who opted to become a professional farmer nine years ago.After returning to his hometown, the young man set up an agricultural cooperative with other partners and worked diligently in the rice field.

“Do you plan to continue with this endeavor?” the president asked.Chen promptly responded, “Absolutely! Our enthusiasm only grows stronger as we delve deeper into our work!”

In Friday’s messages, Xi hailed China’s youth as “spearheads and vital forces” in a wide range of endeavors crucial to the country’s future.For Yuan Yu, a reserve police officer and student of China People’s Police University, Xi’s words will always be a reminder of his professional duty and a source of strength.

Yuan’s father was a police officer who sacrificed his life in the course of his duties about 20 years ago. Inspired by his father, Yuan was determined to follow his father’s career and join the police force.

In September last year, Xi replied to a letter from eight children of fallen heroes like Yuan who were studying at the People’s Public Security University of China at the time, encouraging them to follow the example of their parents’ generation.

In his letter, Xi told the students, “You should maintain firm ideals and convictions, work hard in study and training, hone your skills, and dedicate yourselves to serving as the loyal guardians of the Party and the people.”

Deeply motivated by Xi’s words, Yuan said, “We will carry the banner of our father’s generation and devote our youth to ensuring a peaceful China.”Li Jie, a junior student at Hunan First Normal University, also drew strength from interactions with the president.

During the Hunan inspection, Xi visited the university and chatted with Li and other students.Li expressed her determination to Xi, stating that she is committed to making the most of her youth and becoming an exemplary educator in the new era. Xi nodded in encouragement.

“As China strives to build itself into a strong country and achieve national rejuvenation through advancing Chinese modernization, now it is the prime time for all young students,” Xi said.

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