Construction of tunnels on Skardu road

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Chief Minister of the region Haji Gulbar Khan during his visit to Baltistan division has said that recommendations have been submitted to the federal government regarding the construction of tunnels on Baltistan Highway. According to press release, he further said that all possible steps would be taken for the welfare of general masses and rights of the people would be protected in all forums. Chief Minister of the area also said that demand for the provision of funds toSkardu water diversion project and solar projects for Skardu, Chilas and Hunza has been given to the federal government. Chief Minister of the region also said that more degree colleges for boys and girls would be constructed in Skardu, where-as posting and transfer policy would be formulated to overcome the shortage of doctors. Haji Gulbar Khan said that in the light of Assembly resolution, four new districts were created in the region, but the decision in this regard could not be implemented and incumbent government would ensure the implementation of announcement regarding the creation of new districts in the region.

Baltistan Highway was constructed few years ago in order to provide better travelling facilities to the people of Baltistan division, but it was constantly pointed out by the elected representatives of the area that as per original PC-1, there were certain tunnels, which were required to be constructed on some points, but during the construction of road, these tunnels were not constructed due to which the road was often blocked. It was urged by the people of Baltistan division that tunnels be constructed on the Baltistan Highway (being known as Jaglot-Skardu road) and now the Chief Minister of the region during his visit to Baltistan division has said that recommendations for construction of required tunnels on the Baltistan Highway have been submitted to the federal government and after the allocation of funds, tunnels would be constructed on the specific points of Baltistan Highway. It is pertinent to mention here that Federal Minister for communication Abdul Haleem Khan had also visited the region few days ago and he had too announced for the construction of tunnels over the Baltistan Highway in order to reduce the distance as well as to prevent the road accidents on the said Highway. As regards with the creation of four new districts in the region, it was pointed out in these pages that creation of four new districts i.e District Rundo in Baltistan division and two Districts in Daimer-Astore division (i.eDarel and Tangir) and Gupis-Yasin District in Gilgit division under the provisions of Order-2018 by the regional government despite the fact that creation of new districts in the region fall under the ambit of federal government as the strength of districts were mentioned in the Order2018 and it was only possible to create the new districts by amending the provisions of Order-2018, In the meanwhile, Supreme Court of Pakistan had announced its verdict regarding the provision of rights to the people of the area on 17th January 2019 and directed the federal government to implement its decision with-in two weeks and enforce the Order-2019, Supreme Court also imposes restrictions on amending the provisions of Order-2019 with-out the permission of Supreme Court of Pakistan. Now the Chief Minister of the area has said that his government would implement the decision regarding the creation of new districts in the region, but he did not mention how the new districts could be made functional with-out the support of federal government and implementation of Apex Court of the country orders.We would urge the government of the area to peruse the case regarding the construction of tunnels over the Baltistan highway, so that the people of Baltistandivision could be able to travel with-out any hindrance from their respective areas to the other parts of the country

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