Supply of wheat through NATCO

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According to a media report, Food Department of the regional government has said that there was no shortage of wheat in the region and repelled the media reports in this regard. As per report, food department has repelled the assertions/ speculations about the purported wheat crisis due to failure of NATCO and claimed that there was no fault on the part of NTACO with regards to the transportation of the wheat and delay was occurred due to blockage of KKH. Media report further explained that wheat was being transported from the Islamabad to the different parts of the region as per usual manner and termed the media reports regarding the delay in transportation of wheat were against the facts and attempt to mislead the people. Where-as on the hand, Numberdaran’s Association Gilgit-Baltistan representatives while addressing a press conference in Gilgit have said that provision of subsidized wheat and flour to the people of the area was the gift of the federal government for the people of the area and they have supported the digital registration system with the plea thatdigital registration system would be fruitful to prevent the corruption in distribution of floor and wheat supply.

Wheat was being provided to the people of the area by the federal government for the last five decades on low price and complaints often surfaced that there was shortage of wheat and floor in the area. Now the Numberdaran’s Association of Gilgit-Baltistan while addressing a press conference in Gilgit have said that provision of wheat on low price to the people of the area was a gift of the federal government and they have also supported the digital registration system introduced by the administration of the department so that wheat and flour could be provided to the people of the area with-out any hindrance. It was also clarified by the food department of the regional government that people who would get registered themselves under the system developed by the department would get the wheat scale of 6.75 kg per persons per month, otherwise, they would not get the full scale of wheat and flour. Where-as according to a media report, food department of the regional government has repelled the assertions/media reports regarding the shortage of wheat and floor in the region due to failure of NATCO to supply the wheat and made it clear that there was no shortage of wheat and flour in the area. Media report also explained that wheat was being supplied from Islamabad to different parts of the region through the said transport company as per usual manner and difficulties were being faced due to blockage of KKH on account of frequent land slide on the said road. It may be pertinent to pertinent here that KKH was often blocked due to land slide , NATCO or any other transport company cloud not be blamed for the blockage of road and delay in transportation of wheat due to blockage of KKH.  We may expect that food department would ensure the supply of wheat to the remote areas of the region before the commencing of winter season, so that people of the area may not face any difficulty in getting wheat and flour

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